July 24, 1993 Official Announcement of Product Upgrade dbLite Version 1.1j will be the last 1.1 verison released. Beginning in August, 1993 version 1.2a will be released. Notices will be mailed to registered users and anyone registering any version of dbLite from this date on will receive an automatic upgrade to 1.2. The major difference in the program will be the inclusion of a note attachment feature. On any record, a user will be able to pop up a virtual word processor to attach a 75 character wide by 21 line long note to that record. This feature will greatly expand the usability of the program and should widen its appeal. The simplicity of being able to create a file of records by using no setup and few keys is the program's major strength. Until version 1.2 its weakness was the lack of detail which could be assigned to each record. Five 35 character record fields and four 20 character memo fields allowed for general field descriptions to allow the cataloging of contacts, customers, products, things to do, and schedules but it allowed for little or no detailed explanation concerning that record. By allowing the attachment of a full-screen-sized note, a detailed explanation of a record is now possible. If you catalog your customers and contacts you can attach a note to each which spells out information about that contact. If you log your products by record you can provide information about the status of orders or pricing or any other information which you want to retain between sessions. If you use one record for each Thing-To-Do then you will be able to detail how you are progressing or give a much more detailed explanation to yourself for later review. Each time you contact someone you can make a note about the session. The note window will include word wrap and will be as easy to use as a word processor. It will be automatically saved upon window closure. The note will be printable upon demand and will include the record and memo to which it is attached. Again, in the spirit of dbLite, which means no setup, very few keys to use to manage the program and few details to deal with to run it, the note processor will open from the editing session with one key. It will pop up over the same screen, allow free form text editing with word wrap and then with one key will close and save. To print, a menu will be available using the same Esc requestor as the edit mode. If you use dbLite, your registration fee of $10 will now bring you an increase in productivity and usability well beyond its cost. MJS